Our Vision

Making Jesus known through discipleship together

In July 2020, as a church, we agreed a sense of vision and direction for the next 5 years.

Our Hope and 3 Bold Motivating Prayers


Our Hope

Is that God will sharpen the evangelistic edge of every aspect of our gathered and scattered life so that more gospel seed finds out more fertile soil in our community. We long to see an exciting increase in the number of those coming to faith, and becoming real, radical, resilient and reproducing disciples of Jesus.

A Bold & Motivating Prayer

Father, we pray that we will experience a new baptism of Spirit-led boldness and clarity in our personal and corporate faith-sharing as we work towards a tenfold increase in the number of people with whom we regularly and explicitly share the gospel message. We are praying that as a result, we will see a substantial increase in the number of people who respond to your Son Jesus; becoming active participants in our church community, and choosing to be baptised.


Our Hope

Is to practically express God’s love and provision towards those struggling with mental, material and relational poverty in our community by helping to establish a new beachhead of wellbeing and soul-enriching community in our village.

A Bold & Motivating Prayer

Father, we pray that you would guide us into key partnerships that will help us to birth a well-being café / community hub with a Christian ethos in the heart of Kidlington by 2025.


Our Hope

Is to more faithfully exercise our responsibility towards the world God has made, and be a prophetic witness and force for good in our community towards a response to climate change and the social injustices it leads to.

A Bold & Motivating Prayer

Father, we pray that you will help us to achieve A Rocha’s Eco-Church accreditation, and to play our part in facilitating a Greener Kidlington through the formation of some kind of community partnership for change.

KBC's Vision 2020

KBC envisioning 2020.pdf

Find out more about our work towards these visions

Ecology Resources
