About Kidlington Baptist Church

Kidlington Baptist Church is a vibrant Christian community made up of people from all ages and stages of life, representing different cultures and backgrounds, but with one essential thing in common - the person of Jesus. He is central to all that we believe and do. He made a way for us back to our Father, meets our deepest needs, and calls us into life in all its fullness through his Spirit. We long for others in our community to experience this too, and are seeking to be increasingly intentional in sharing our faith on our frontlines and through our collective efforts.

There are currently 120 committed members at Kidlington Baptist Church, but our reach and fringe is significantly larger. As a whole church family we get together on Sunday mornings at 10.30am for our main worship gathering. This is in person but also live streamed via our YouTube channel, and there’s an additional and more intimate evening communion service on the first Sunday of the month. During the week home groups gather in person or online to facilitate our growth as disciples.

Kidlington itself is really a town pretending to be a village (though don’t say that too loudly!) and is forecasted to grow further in the coming decade. With the academic power-house of leafy Oxford on the one hand, and picturesque Cotswold-ish villages on the other, Kidlington is a mix of mobile aspirational and established communities. We’re blessed to have a welcoming building a stone’s throw or two from the village centre which is open most days. Each week we run a wellbeing cafe called the Dovecote on Thursday mornings and Sunday afternoons, host the local Foodbank on Fridays and welcome many community groups to use our facilities. We’re also an eco church and actively support mission partners in the local area and overseas.

KBC belongs to the Baptist Union of Great Britain as well as to the Evangelical Alliance. Locally we partner with our Baptist cluster, and work closely with our friends from Churches Together in Kidlington (CTK). For more info about us and what we do, continue exploring our website.

Our Children and Youth Ministries

Children and youth work is core to our DNA as a church and always has been - in fact it actually predates the founding of the church nearly 70 years ago. When people in the community find out you’re from the church it’s not unusual for them to tell you they used to come to one of our youth groups, events, holiday clubs, and camps, or now send their own kids along. Recently, we have seen growth in our numbers and introduced more events aimed at increasing the spiritual awareness of young people and encouraging their faith. Some of our groups and activities are held at the church on Sundays and are generally attended by young people whose families are connected to the church. Other community-facing groups are held during the week and are mainly attended by teenagers with no other connection to the church or God. 

The core groups for children at the church are:

The core groups for young people at the church which are overseen by the youth worker are:

Kidlington Baptist Church has had a strong and long-standing connection with the local secondary school (Gosford Hill) and is currently partnered with Oxford Schools Chaplaincy (OSC), a Christian charity working with schools and churches around Oxford. The partnership between our Youth Worker and OSC has run a Christian Union, offered chaplaincy, provided mentoring, and launched a Kintsugi Hope project. 

Kidlington Baptist Church has had someone in post as a paid Youth Worker since 2006. This commenced as a part-time role and changed to full-time in 2018 when the church made its previous appointment.

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