Solid Rock Youth Group

Solid Rock is our youth church for young people in School Year 7 and above. It runs from 18:30 to 20:30 on a Sunday night

We may be a church but we are not some boring stone building as on a typical evening we play games, mess around, drink coke, eat crisps, play loud music, worship God and wrestle with questions of faith and issues affecting young people. Oh and we also eat cake, lots of cake.

As a group we like to discuss our faith and learn from each other. Subjects we have recently covered include:

Who is Jesus and why did he die?

Who is the Holy Spirit and what does he do?

How can you believe in God when there is so much suffering?

Does prayer work?

When it comes to worship we like to experiment with lots of different styles, ranging from using video, paint, drama, art and meditation through to the more traditional Guitar and Drums.

Youth Weekend Away
