Sermons Online

We try to get an audio version of sermons on the website as soon as we can so that you can benefit from them even if you can't get to the service. The sermons are all in .MP3 format. To download click on the title link of the sermon you want. A library of videos of full services can be found on our YouTube Channel to watch on catch-up.

2024 Sermons

21st July ~ Who do you think I am? The Sign of Sight ~ John 9:1-12 ~ Phil Durrant

14th July ~ Climate Sunday ~ Five Ways to Wellbeing ~ Psalm 46 ~ Polly Eaton (from A Rocha)

7th July ~ Junior Church 70th Anniversary. Beth Chisnall (no audio recording)

30th June ~ Who do you think I am? The Sign by the Water ~ John 6:16-21 ~  Phil Durrant

23rd June ~ Who do you think I am? The Sign of Food ~ John 6: 1-14 ~ Phil Durrant

16th June ~ Who do you think I am? The Sign at the Pool ~ John 5:1-11 ~ John Adams

9th June ~ Who do you think I am? The Sign of Healing ~ John 4: 46-54 ~ Phil Durrant

2nd June ~ Who do you think I am? The Sign of Wine ~ John 2:1-12 ~ Phil Durrant

26th May ~ Mission ~ Matt Bodinham

19th May ~ Churches Together in Kidlington United Service (CTK) at KBC  (no audio recording) 

12th May ~ Pentecost People: Progress & Other Problems ~ Acts 4:32 - 6:7 ~ Phil Durrant

5th May ~ Pentecost People: An Equal & Opposite Force?  ~ Acts 4:1-31 ~ Phil Durrant

28th April ~ Pentecost People: The Beautiful Gate ~ Acts 3 ~ John Miller

21st April ~ Pentecost People: A Spirit Rich Community ~ Acts 2  ~ Phil Durrant

14th April ~ Pentecost People: Poised for Action ~ Acts 1 ~ Phil Durrant

7th April ~ Cruel Night & Bitter Day: The Breakfast on the Beach ~ John 21:1-21 ~ Marlene Ewart 

31st March ~ Cruel Night & Bitter Day: The New Day is Dawning ~ John 20:19-29 ~ Phil Durrant

24th March ~ Cruel Night & Bitter Day: The Reception of the King  ~ John 19:2-27 ~ Paul Ewart

17th March ~ Cruel Night & Bitter Day: The Truth of the Matter ~ John 18:19-19:1 ~ Phil Durrant

10th March ~ Cruel Night & Bitter Day: The Arrest of the Son ~ John 17:1-18:18 ~ Phil Durrant.

3rd March ~ Partners in the Gospel ~  Philippians 1: 3-11 ~ Mark Macaulay will be sharing with us as part of the Cluster Pulpit Swap. He is Lead Waterways Chaplain for the South of England. 

25th February  ~ Junior Church led service ~ Encountering Jesus Brings Change (no audio recording)

18th February ~ In The Tent: A Pilgrim People on the Move ~ Exodus 40:33-38 ~  Phil Durrant.

11th February  ~ In The Tent: An Interceding Priesthood ~ Exodus 39:1-31 ~ Jakki Nobbs 

4th February ~ In The Tent: Approaching the Holy ~ Exodus 28:1-6, 9-17, 29-38 ~ Phil Durrant

28th January ~ In The Tent: Sacrifice, Atonement and Praise ~ Lev. 1:1-9ff (& John 1:29; Rom. 12:1-3) ~ John Miller 

21st January ~ In The Tent:  An Offering of the People ~ Exodus 35:4-36:3a + Num 7:1-11 (+ 2 Cor. 9:7-8) ~Phil Durrant

14th January ~ In The Tent: God in the Midst ~ Exodus 25:8-40 (+ John 1: 14) Phil Durrant

7th January ~ Verse of the Year ~ 2 Corinthians 3:12 ~ Phil Durrant

2023 Sermons

31st December ~ Jesus is for Life, Not Just for Christmas and Easter ~ John 1: 1-18 ~ Jakki & Steve Nobbs (no audio recording)

25th December ~ Welcome Home: A Frosty Reception ~ Matthew 2: 1 - 23 ~ Phil Durrant

24th December ~ Welcome Home: Fit for a King? ~ Luke 2:1-20 ~ Phil Durrant

17th December ~ Carol Service

17th December (morning)  ~  Welcome Home: Unexpected Visitors ~ Gen 18:1-8 &  Heb 13:1-3   ~ Phil Durrant

10th December ~ Welcome Home: A Home from Home ~ 2 Kings 4:8-17 ~ Jacky Bone.

3rd December ~ Welcome Home: 'Walk on by' ~ Luke 10:25-37 ~ Phil Durrant

26th November ~ Vision - Where are we headed? ~ Luke 5: 1-10 ~ Phil Durrant 

19th November ~ Church Anniversary ~ Malachi 3: 1 - 12 ~ Jim Thomas

12th November  ~ Remembrance Service  ~ Matt 5: 1 - 11 ~ John Adams 

5th November ~ Ekklesia: The Theology of the Church - A Witnessing & Discipling Community ~ Matthew 5:13-16; 16:24-26; 28:16-20 ~ Matt Bodinham

29th October ~ Ekklesia: The Theology of the Church - A Kingdom Colony. ~ Matthew 6:9-13; 13:31-33; 24:7-14; 25:31-36 ~ Phil Durrant 

22nd October ~  Ekklesia: The Theology of the Church - A Gracious & Disciplined Community ~ Matthew 18:1-35 ~ Phil Durrant 

15th October ~ Ekklesia: The Theology of the Church - A Community Shaped by Word & Sacrament ~ Matthew 5:17-20; 7:21-27; 26:26-30 ~ Stuart Weir

8th October 2023 ~ Ekklesia: The Theology of the Church - A Community of Worship & Service ~ Matthew 26:6-13 & 25:34-40 ~ John Miller

1st October ~ Ekklesia: The Theology of the Church - A Community United in Baptism ~ Matthew 3:1-17 ~ Phil Durrant 

24th September ~ The Age of the Judges - Samson: Victory in Defeat ~ Judges 16 ~ Akin Adeniran 

17th September ~ The Age of the Judges - Samson: Strength & Weakness  ~ Judges 14 & 15 ~ Phil Durrant 

10th September ~ The Age of the Judges - Samson: the Promise ~ Judges 13 ~ Phil Durrant

3rd September ~ Back to School Sunday ~ no audio recording

27th August  ~ The Age of the Judges - Error of Judgement: Jephthah ~ Judges 11 ~ Paul Ewart

20th August ~The Age of the Judges - Gideon: The Fall ~Judges 8 ~ Phil  Durrant

13th August ~ The Age of the Judges - Gideon: The 300 ~Judges 7 ~ John Miller

6th August ~ The Age of the Judges - Gideon: The Call ~ Judges 6:1-40  ~ Phil  Durrant

30th July ~  The Age of the Judges - Deborah ~ Judges 4:1-23 ~ David Cranston

23rd July ~ All Age Service - Wonder ~ Phil Durrant ~ no audio recording

16th July ~ Climate Sunday  - Seeing God in the Storm of Climate Change ~ Job 38:1-11; 42:1-6 - ~ Dave Gregory (from BUEN, the Baptist Union Environment Network).

9th July ~ Baptism Service ~ Gen 1: 1 - 5; Mark 9: 9 - 11; 2 Cor 4: 6 ~ Phil Durrant

2nd July ~ Junior Church Anniversary ~ Praying Like  A Child ~ 1 Sam 3: 1 - 10 ~ Emma Olonenshaw  

25th June ~ A Question of Christianity: You expect me to believe that? (The case for the resurrection) ~ John 20:1-10;1 Cor 15:12-19 ~ Matt Bodinham

18th June  ~  A Question of Christianity: Stale bread? (Does the Bible still have a place in the 21st Century?)   ~ 2 Timothy 3:13-4:4  ~ Phil Durrant  

11th June ~ A Question of Christianity: The God Desire  ~ Psalms 42 & 43 ~ Phil Durrant will be responding to David Baddiel’s new book ‘The God Desire’

4th June ~ A Question of Christianity: Prove it! (Faith & Science) ~ John 20:24-29 ~  Paul Ewart

28th May ~ CTK United Service for Pentecost ~ no audio recording

21st May ~ The Gift That Keeps on Giving: Community - Creating a Fellowship  / Using what we've been Given ~ Matt 25:14-30 ~ Jakki & Steve Nobbs

14th May  The Gift That Keeps on Giving: Calling - Shaping our Vocation ~ 2 Timothy 1:1-14 ~ Phil Durrant

7th May ~ The Gift That Keeps on Giving: Capabilities - Nurturing our Gifts ~ 1 Cor. 12:4-31 ~ Phil Durrant

30th April ~ The Gift That Keeps on Giving: Chosen - Establishing our Identity ~ Romans 8: 1- 34 ~ Phil Durrant

23rd April ~ The Gift That Keeps on Giving: Character - Transforming our Character ~ John 16: 5-15, Galatians 5: 16-26 ~ Marlene Ewart

16th April ~The Gift That Keeps on Giving: Receiving the Spirit (the breath and the gale) ~ John 20:19-23; (+ Acts 2:1-18) ~ Akin Adeniran 

9th April ~ Easter Sunday ~ Matthew 28: 1 - 10 ~ Phil Durrant

2nd April ~ Glimpses: The Future Day (Palm Sunday) ~  Zechariah 13:7-14:21  Phil Durrant

26th March - Glimpses: The Deliverance (Lent 5) ~ Zechariah 12:1-13:1 ~  Phil Durrant 

19th March ~  Glimpses: The Payment (Lent 4) ~ Zechariah 11: 4-17 ~ Scott Cheeseman

12th March  ~ Glimpses: The Cornerstone (Lent 3) ~ Zechariah10: 1-12 ~ Phil Durrant

5th March ~ Glimpses: The Coming King (Lent 2) ~ Zechariah 9: 9-17 ~ Jakki Nobbs

26th February ~ Glimpses: Rebuilding the Temple (Lent 1) ~ Zechariah 8:1-13 ~ Phil Durrant

19th February ~ Catch the Vision   ~ Acts 11:19-30 ~ Bijoy Sangma, BMS’s new Director of Intercultural Learning and Collaboration 

12th February ~ Letters to Thessalonica: Waiting for The Day of Justice ~ 2 Thessalonians 1:1- 2:12 ~ Phil Durrant

5th February  ~ Life of Jesus  ~ led by Junior church (no audio recording)

29th January ~ Letters to Thessalonica: Remembering Our Future ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:13- 5:28 ~ Phil Durrant

22nd January ~ Letters to Thessalonica: Standing Strong in Times of Trouble ~ 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13 ~ Alice Cheeseman

15th January ~  Letters to Thessalonica: Pleasing God Before People  ~ 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16 + 4:1-12 ~ Phil Durrant 

8th January ~ Letters to Thessalonica: Mediating the Message ~ 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 ~ Phil Durrant

1st January ~ New Year  ~ Rodney Shepherd  (no audio recording)

2022 Sermons

25th December ~ Christmas Day Christmas on a Shoestring: Good News for Asylum Seekers ~ Matt 2: 1-15; Micah 5:2-5 ~ Phil Durrant

23rd December ~ Carol Service ~ John 1: 9 - 14 ~ Phil Durrant

18th December ~ Christmas on a Shoestring: Good News for the Cold & Lonely ~  Luke 2:25-38; Isaiah 40:1-8 ~ Rodney Shepherd

11th December ~ Christmas on a Shoestring: Good News for Worn Out Workers ~ Luke 2:8-20; Isaiah 40:9-11 ~ Phil Durrant 

4th December ~ Christmas on a Shoestring: Good News for Anxious Parents ~ Luke 1:26-33, 39-48, 53-54; Ezekiel 34:11-25 ~ Stuart Weir 

27th November ~ Christmas on a Shoestring: Good News for Those Hungry for Change ~ Luke 2:5-17; Mal 3:1-3a; 4:5-6 ~  Phil Durrant 

20th November ~ Church AnniversaryRomans 12 ~ Zoltan Biro

13th November ~ Remembrance Sunday ~ Psalm 46 ~ Phil Durrant

6th November ~ Vive La Resistance: On The Hardening Of A Heart ~ Exodus 4-14 (various) ~ Phil Durrant

30th October  ~ Vive La Resistance: If At First You Don't Succeed...  ~ Exodus 5:1 - 6:13 ~ Andrew Persson

23rd October ~ The Crucial Week - Hear and Believe, Go and Proclaim ~ Mark 16 ~ Phil Durrant

16th October ~ The Crucial Week  - A Tale of Three Crosses ~ Mark 15 ~ John Miller

9th October ~ Harvest Thanksgiving ~ no audio recording

2nd October ~ The Crucial Week  - ‘On Being Rubbish’ ~ Mark 12:38-13:37 ~ Phil Durrant

25th September ~ The Crucial Week - Keep Watch ~ Mark 12:38-13:37 ~ Phil Durrant

18th September ~ The Crucial Week - Ding Ding! Five Rounds in the Ring ~ Mark 11:27-12:37 ~ Phil Durrant 

11th September  ~ The Crucial Week  - The Humble Monarch ~ Mark 11:1-26 ~ Phil Durrant

4th September 2022 ~ Back to School Sunday ~ Jakki & Steve Nobbs

28 August ~  Postcards - One Chapter Letters: Jude ~  Scott Cheeseman

21 August  ~ Postcards- One Chapter Letters: 3 John ~ Phil Durrant

14 August  ~ Postcards- One Chapter Letters2 John ~ Phil Durrant

7th August ~ Postcards - One Chapter LettersPhilemon ~ Phil Durrant

 31st July ~ Postcards - One Chapter Letters: Obadiah ~ John Miller

24th July ~  The Family of God - Church Family Service ~ 1 Cor 12:12-26 ~ Alice Cheeseman

17th July ~ Vive La Resistance: On How Not To Rise To The Occasion ~ Exodus 4:1-31 ~ Phil Durrant

10th July ~ Vive La Resistance: The Burning Bush & The God Who Cares ~ Exodus 3:1-22 ~ Jacky Bone

3rd July  ~ Church Family Service - Junior Church Anniversary ~ Filling in the Gaps ~ Jakki and Steve Nobbs ~ no audio recording

26th June ~ The Calvary Road: 'Among You It Will Be Different' ~ Mark 10 ~ Phil Durrant.

19th June ~ The Calvary Road - On Fatherhood ~ Mark 9 ~  Phil Durrant.

12th June ~ The Calvary Road - Like Trees Walking Around ~ Mark 8 ~ Phil Durrant 

5th June ~ PENTECOST CTK Service (at St Mary’s church)  ~ no audio recording

29th May ~ Climate Sunday, with visiting speaker Martin Hodson from A Rocha UK and the John Ray Institute 

22nd May ~ Vive La Resistance: A Diamond in the RoughExodus 2:11-25 ~ Phil Durrant 

15th May ~ Vive La Resistance: Three More Extraordinary Women ~ Exodus 2:1-10 ~ Jakki Nobbs

8th May ~ Vive La Resistance: The Dictator & The Midwives ~ Exodus 1:1-22 ~ Phil Durrant 

1st May ~ The Countryside Astir ~ Mark 7 ~ Phil Durrant 

24th April ~ BMS World Mission ~ 1 Thes 1: 2-8a ~ Mark Greenwood

17th April ~ Easter Sunday  ~ John 20: 19  - 29 ~ Phil Durrant

11th April ~ Songs for our Journey - Community ~ Psalm 133 ~ Phil Durrant

3rd April ~ Songs for our Journey - Perseverance ~ Psalm 129  ~ David Cranston 

27th March ~ Songs for our Journey - Work ~ Psalm 127 ~ Phil Durrant

20th March ~ Songs for our Journey - Joy ~ Psalm 126 ~ Phil Durrant

13th March ~ Songs for our Journey - Worship ~ Psalm 122 ~ John Miller

6th March ~ Songs for our Journey - Providence ~ Psalm 121 ~ Phil Durrant

27th February ~ The Countryside Astir ~ Mark 6 ~ Scott Cheeseman

20th February ~ The Countryside Astir ~ Mark 5 ~ Phil Durrant

13th February  ~ The Countryside Astir ~ Mark 4 ~ Matthew Bodinham 

30th January ~ The Countryside Astir: The Marmite Messiah & the Strange Family of God ~ Mark 3 ~ Phil Durrant

23rd January  ~ The Countryside Astir ~ Mark 2 ~ Jacky Bone

16th January ~ The Countryside Astir: The Beginning of the Good News  ~ Mark 1 ~ Phil Durrant

9th January ~ Proclaim! Verse of the Year 2022 ~ Mark 16:15 ~ Phil Durrant

2nd January ~ Simeon & Anna ~ Luke 2: 22-38 ~ Stuart Weir

2021 Sermons

25th December ~ Christmas Morning Service ~ Phil Durrant

19th December (evening) ~ Carol Service ~ Phil Durrant

19th December ~ The True Light - God's Gift ~ John 1:15-18 ~ John Adams

12th December ~ The True Light Revealed ~ John 1:14 ~ Phil Durrant

5th December ~  The True Light Foretold ~ John 1:6-13 ~ Lois Fulton

28th November ~ The True Light Shines ~ John 1: 1-5 ~ Jakki Nobbs

21st November ~ Church Anniversary ~ Ephesians 4: 25-32 ~ Nick Spencer 

14th November ~  Remembrance Sunday ~ Romans 5: 6-10 ~ Phil Durrant

7th November ~ Jeremiah: Awkward Truths for Critical Times: On Buying Land Whilst Under Siege  ~ Jeremiah 31:31-34; 32:1-19. Phil Durrant

31st October ~ Jeremiah: Awkward Truths for Critical Times: Prophecy and the Potter's Wheel ~ Jeremiah 18:1-17 ~ John Miller.

24th October ~ Jeremiah: Awkward Truths for Critical Times: On Stunted Shrubs and Evergreens ~ Jeremiah 17:1-17; 2:10-13 ~ Stuart Weir

17th October ~ Jeremiah: Awkward Truths for Critical Times: Shiloh's Sombre Warning ~ Jeremiah 7:1-29 ~  Kevin Durrant 

3rd October ~ Harvest Thanksgiving - Do Gooders ~ Luke 10:25-37 ~ Phil Durrant

26th Sept ~ Jeremiah: Awkward Truths for Critical Times ~ Jeremiah 4:1-28 ~ Akin Adeniran

19th Sept ~ Jeremiah: Awkward Truths for Critical TimesJeremiah 1:1-19 ~ Phil Durrant

12th Sept  ~ Hebrews: Endurance, Encouragement, and the Community of the Church ~ Hebrews 12:4 -29; 13 ~ Phil Durrant

5th Sept  ~ Hebrews: By Faith: The Family of Saints ~ Hebrews 11: 1 -  12:1-3 ~ Scott Cheeseman

29th August ~ The Last of the Judges: David's Heart ~ 1 Samuel 16:1-13 ~ Phil Durrant

22nd August ~ The Last of the Judges: Saul's Insecurity ~ 1 Samuel 9:1-10:27 (see also: 13:7b-14; 15:7-23; 18:5-16) ~ Phil Durrant

15th August ~ The Last of the Judges: Israel's Whim ~ 1 Samuel 8:1-22 (see also chapter 12) ~ John Miller

8th August ~ The Last of the Judges: Samuel's Rock ~ 1 Samuel 7:3-17  ~ Jakki Nobbs

1st August ~ The Last of the Judges: Eli's Flaw ~ 1 Samuel 2:12-4:1a ~ Phil Durrant

25th July  ~ The Last of the Judges: Hannah's Prayer ~ 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 ~ Scott Cheeseman

18th July ~ Hebrews: Let Us Persevere ~ Hebrews 10:19-39 ~ Phil Durrant

11th July ~ Hebrews: The New Covenant in Jesus’ Blood ~ Heb. 8: 7-10:18  ~ Amanda Higgin

27th June ~ Hebrews: Eternal Priest, Eternal King ~ Heb. 7; 8:1-6 ~ Phil Durrant

20th June ~ Tom and Mel Spears - Mission Partners (Chad)

13th June ~ The Comforter and Compulsion ~ Galatians 5: 1,16-26; 6:1-3 ~ Phil Durrant

6th June ~ The Comforter and Chronic Illness and Pain ~ 2 Cor. 1: 3-9 or 2 Cor. 4: 8-18 ~ Stuart Weir

30th May ~ The Comforter and Cancer ~ Romans 8: 18-39 ~ Phil Durrant

23rd May ~ Pentecost CTK Service ~ Martin Davis (St. Mary's Team Vicar)

16th May  ~ Hebrews: Growing Up in Faith: Beyond First Principles ~ Heb.5:11-14, ch.6 ~  Phil Durrant

9th May ~ Hebrews: Jesus the Great High Priest ~ Hebrews 4:12-5:10 ~ Phil Durrant

2nd May ~ Hebrews: Seize the Day ~ Hebrews 3:1-4:11 ~ Phil Durrant

25th April ~ Climate Change Sunday ~ Genesis 1-3 ~ Paul Ewart 

18th April ~ Hebrews: Above the Angels, Jesus our Representative ~ Hebrews 1-2 ~ Amanda Higgin

11th April ~ Hebrews: In these Last Days: Jesus of Hebrew Scripture ~ Luke 24:13-35; Hebrews 1:1-4  ~ John Miller 

4th April ~ Easter Sunday all-age Service ~ Breakfast with Jesus ~ John 21: 1 -17 - Phil Durrant 

28th March ~ Disciplines and Discipleship: Exploring the Themes and Flavours of Lent - Agape Love ~ 1 Cor 12:31b-13:1-7; Col 3:12-17 ~ Geraint Lloyd

21st March ~ Disciplines and Discipleship: Exploring the Themes and Flavours of Lent - Caring for Creation ~ Gen 1:20-31; Psalm 8 ~ Phil Durrant

14th March ~ Disciplines and Discipleship: Exploring the Themes and Flavours of Lent - Giving ~ Mal 3:7-12; Mk 12:38-44; 2 Cor 8:7-9 ~ Marlene Ewart

7th March ~ Disciplines and Discipleship: Exploring the Themes and Flavours of Lent - Fasting ~ Matt 4: 1-4, 6:16-18, 9: 14-17 ~Phil Durrant

28th February ~ Disciplines and Discipleship: Exploring the Themes and Flavours of Lent - Prayer ~ Matt 6:5-15; 1 Thes 5:17 ~Scott Cheeseman

 21st February ~ Disciplines and Discipleship: Exploring the Themes and Flavours of Lent - Sacrifice and Service ~ Mark 8:31-38; 10:35-45; Rom 12:1-2 ~ Jakki Nobbs

14th February ~ Disciplines and Discipleship: Exploring the Themes and Flavours of Lent - I’m giving it up for Lent? ~ Mark 1:12-13 ~ Phil Durrant

7th February ~ Attack of the Isms: ‘My body, my choice’ – Individualism & Medical Ethics ~ Matt 16:13-28 ~ Phil Durrant

31st January ~ Attack of the Isms: ‘Whatever floats your boat’ – Liberalism & Sexual Ethics ~ 1 Cor. 6:9-20; 1 Thes 4:1-8 ~ Phil Durrant

24th January ~ Attack of the Isms: ‘Make [insert group/country here] Great Again!’ – Tribalism / Nationalism ~ Gen12: 1-3, Mark 1: 15; Matt 4: 17,  Eph  2:19   ~ Matt Bodinham

17th January ~ Attack of the Isms: ‘You’ve got your truth, I’ve got mine’ – Relativism & Post-Modernism ~  John 14:1, 6-9; 15-17 15:26, 12-15; 18:28-40 ~ Phil Durrant

10th January ~ Verse for the year: Running the Race ~  Hebrews 12:1-3 ~ Phil Durrant

3rd January ~ Attack of the Isms: ‘All paths lead up the same mountain’ - Religious Pluralism ~ Isaiah 44:6-24 ~ Phil Durrant

2020 Sermons

27th December ~ Rethinking Christmas: It's Not Over Yet! Foretastes of the Future Festival ~ Isaiah 65:17-25; Rev 19:6-8; 21:1-4 ~ John Miller 

25th December ~ Christmas Day~ Isaiah 9: 1- 7 ~ Phil Durrant 

20th December ~  Evening 'Sing Along at Home' Carol Service  ~  2 Corinthians 4: 6 ~ Phil Durrant

20th December (Fourth Sunday in Advent) ~ Rethinking Christmas: Christmas Idols 3 - Holy Hospitality or Festive Binge?  ~ Luke 1:46b-55; Cf. Jer 31:3-14; 1 Cor 10:1-12; Phil 3:17-21; Ezek 16:49 ~ Akin Adeniran 

13th December (Third Sunday in Advent) ~ Rethinking Christmas: Christmas Idols 2 - Manger Misfits or Airbrushed Families?Matt 1:18-24; Mark 3:21-35; John 1:9-14  ~ Phil Durrant

6th December  (Second Sunday in Advent) ~ Rethinking Christmas: Christmas Idols 1 - Faith Festival or Commercial Racket? ~ Amos 6:1a, 3-6; 5:21-24; Matt 6:22-24 ~ Marlene Ewart

29th November (First Sunday in Advent) ~  Rethinking Christmas: What's a Festival For? ~ Deuteronomy  16:1-17  ~ Phil Durrant

22nd November ~ A Vision of Abundance: Peace, Pardon, Praise ~ Isaiah 55 ~ Phil Durrant

15th November  ~ Fishing on the Frontline: A Masterclass with Jesus - The Woman at the Well ~ John 4:1-42 ~ Jacky Bone

8th November ~ Remembrance Sunday ~ Ephesians 2: 1-22  ~ Phil Durrant

1st November ~ Becoming Fishers of People: Paul: Debating in Academia ~ Acts 17: 13-34 ~ Paul Ewart 

25th October ~ Becoming Fishers of People: Paul and Silas: Singing in Chains!  ~ Acts 16: 6-40 ~Scott Cheeseman 

18th October ~ Becoming Fishers of People: Peter: Consorting with the Enemy! - Acts 10 ~ Phil Durrant

11th October ~ Becoming Fishers of People: Ananias: Befriending the Persecutor! ~ Acts 9: 1-31 ~ Phil Durrant

 4 October ~ All Age Harvest service  ~ 2 Corinthians 9: 6- 10 ~ Phil Durrant

27 September ~ Becoming Fishers of People: Philip: Baptising an Ethiopian Eunuch! ~ Acts 8: 4-8; 26-40 ~ David Cranston

 20 September ~ Becoming Fishers of People: Stephen: Spirited Defence in the Face of Death ~ Acts 6:8-15; 7:51-8:3 ~ Stuart Weir

13 September ~ Becoming Fishers of People: Lessons from The Acts of the Apostles: Peter: Straight Talking to his Fellow Countrymen and Women ~ Acts 3:1-4:4 ~ Phil Durrant

6 September ~ Back to School ~  Mark 1: 14-22 ~  Phil Durrant

 30 August ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah's Journey - On Finding Wives and Finishing Well ~ Genesis 24-25:11 ~ Phil Durrant

23 August ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah’s Journey - The Funeral & the Foothhold ~ Genesis 23 ~ John Adams

16th August ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah's Journey - The Unthinkable Sacrifice ~ Genesis 22 ~ Akin Adeniran

9th August ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah's Journey - Wells in the Wilderness ~ Genesis 21 ~ David Cranston

2nd August ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah’s Journey – Survival TacticsGenesis 20 ~ Stuart Weir. 

26th July ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah's Journey - Not a Lot of Good ~ Genesis 19 ~ Phil Durrant

19th July ~  Vision: An opportunity to explore and celebrate our vision hopes for the next 5 years as we commit them to God  ~ Phil Durrant & Jakki Nobbs

 12th July ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah's Journey - Gutsy Intercession ~ Genesis 18:16-33 ~ Scott Cheeseman

5th July ~ Junior Church 67th Anniversary ~ Beth Chisnall

28th June ~ Creation: Primordial Wisdom & Current Crises - Strange Remedies for Runaway Addictions  ~ Genesis 11:1-9  ~ Phil Durrant

 21st June ~ Creation: Primordial Wisdom & Current Crises - Why Righteousness is Not Enough (Noah) - Genesis 6-9 ~ Phil Durrant

14th June ~ Finale of 24/7 Week of Prayer ~ Welling, Brimming, Overflowing ~ Romans 15:13  ~ Phil Durrant

7th June ~ Launch of 24/7 week of Prayer ~ A Sprig of HopeGenesis 8: 8-12 ~ Phil Durrant

 31st May ~ Churches Together in Kidlington United Service for Pentecost ~ Numbers 11: 24-30 & Acts 2 : 1-21 ~ Paul Carter (Kidlington Methodist Church)

24th May  ~ Creation: Primordial Wisdom & Current Crises - Understanding Our Estrangement with the Earth ~ Genesis 3 ~ Paul Ewart

17th May ~ Creation: Primordial Wisdom & Current Crises - Finding Our Place in God's Creation ~ Genesis 1-2 ~ Kevin Durrant

 10th May ~ Jesus and Zacchaeus ~ Luke 19: 1 -10 ~ Jakki Nobbs

3rd May 2020  ~ Resurrection and More 'D' Words: Dementia  ~ Ecclesiastes 12: 1-7 ~ Phil Durrant

26th April 2020 ~ Resurrection and More 'D' Words: Depression ~ 1 Kings 19 v 1-18 ~ Phil Durrant

19th April 2020 ~ Resurrection and More 'D' Words: Doubt ~ John 20: 24-29 ~Marlene Ewart

12 April 2020 ~ Easter Sunday: The Great Indeed ~ Matthew 28: 1-15 ~ Phil Durrant 

05 April 2020 ~ Palm Sunday - Responses to Jesus ~ Luke 19:28-48 ~ Akin Adeniran 

29th March 2020  ~ Walking on Chaos: Joining Jesus in the Storm ~ Matthew 14:22-33 ~ Phil Durrant

22 March 2020 ~ The Lord: Our Rock & Refuge ~ Psalms 27 & 31 - Phil Durrant

15 March 2020 ~ Fishing on the Frontline: A Masterclass with Jesus - The Canaanite and the Crumbs ~ Matthew 15:21-28 ~ Phil Durrant            

08 March 2020 ~  Fishing on the Frontline: The Troubled from the Tombs ~ Mark 5: 1-20 ~ Phil Durrant

01 March 2020 ~ Fishing on the Frontline: A Masterclass with Jesus - The Know-all in the Night  ~ John 3:1-21 ~ Phil Durrant

23 February 2020 ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah's Journey - The Mark of the Covenant  ~ Genesis 17 ~ Phil Durrant

16 February 2020 ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah's Journey - The Short Cut &  The God Who Sees ~ Genesis 16 ~ Phil Durrant

09 February 2020 ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah's Journey - The Firepot & The Flaming Torch ~ Genesis 15 ~ John Miller

26 January 2020 ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah's Journey – The Rescue & The Righteous ~ Genesis 14 ~ Phil Durrant

19 January 2020 ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham & Lot part ways ~ Genesis 13 ~ Phil Durrant 

12 January 2020 ~ Verse of 2020 - Mark 1: 17 ~ Mark 1:14-20  ~ Phil Durrant 

5 January 2020 ~ A Sky Full of Stars: Abraham and Sarah's Journey ~ Genesis 12  ~ Paul Ewart

2019 Sermons

29 December 2019 ~ Waiting in Hope: Isaiah’s Advent Visions – House of Prayer for All Nations  ~ Matthew 2: 1-12; Isaiah 56:1-8 ~ Jakki & Steve Nobbs 

22 December 2019 ~ Carol Service  ~ Phil Durrant 

22 December 2019 ~ Waiting in Hope: Isaiah's Advent Visions – Peace on Earth  ~ Luke 2:8-20; Isaiah 11:1-12  ~ Andrew Bevan 

15 December 2019 ~ Waiting in Hope: Isaiah's Advent Visions – a Refuge to the Poor ~ Luke 1:39-56; Isaiah 25:1-10 ~ David Cranston

8 December 2019 ~ Waiting in Hope: Isaiah's Advent Visions - The Lord's Chosen Servant ~ Luke 1:26-38, Isaiah 42:1-9 ~ Phil Durrant 

1 December 2019 ~ Waiting in Hope: Isaiah's Advent Visions - God With Us ~ Matt 1:18-25; Isaiah 7:14-17 ~ Phil Durrant 

24 November 2019 ~ Core Christian Reflexes: Firm or False Foundations: Avoiding Deception and Practising Obedience ~ Matt 7: 15-28 ~ Phil Durrant 

17 November 2019 ~ Church Anniversary: A voice in the wilderness  ~ Isaiah 40:1-11 ~ Jon Dawson 

10 November 2019 ~ Core Christian Reflexes: Finding Life: Pursuing God & the Narrow Path  ~ Matt 7:7-14 ~ Phil Durrant 

3 November 2019 ~ Building Healthy Community Not Being Judgemental ~ Matthew 7: 1-6 ~ Paul Ewart 

13 October 2019 ~ Core Christian Reflexes: Investing in Heaven Consumerism & Anxiety Detox ~ Matt 6:19-34 ~ Phil Durrant 

29 September 2019 ~ Hidden Acts of Righteousness 2 Secrecy and Prayer ~ Matthew 6:5-15  ~ Phil Durrant 

22 September 2019 ~ Soul Survivor Sunday ~ Scott Cheeseman & Tof Adeniran 

15 September 2019 ~ Core Christian Reflexes: Hidden Acts of Righteousness 1 Giving & Fasting ~ Matthew 6:1-4, 16-18 ~ Phil Durrant 

8 September 2019 ~ Wall of Answered Prayer ~ Richard Gamble 

1 September 2019 ~ Oxford School's Chaplaincy 

 25 August 2019 ~ Decoding the Secrets of the Kingdom: Got it now? ~ Matt 13: 47-52 ~ Phil Durrant 

18 August 2019 ~ Decoding the Secrets of the Kingdom: Now try these! ~ Matt 13: 31-34, 44-46 ~ David Cranston 

11 August 2019 ~ Decoding the Secrets of the Kingdom: Please explain! ~ Matt 13: 24-29, 36-43 ~ Akin Adeniran 

4 August 2019 ~ Decoding the Secrets of the Kingdom: Why all the mystery?  ~ Matt 13: 3,10-17, 34-35 ~ Phil Durrant 

28 July 2019 ~ Vision/ Listening to God: Pushing the Boat Out ~ Luke 5: 1 - 11 ~ Phil Durrant 

21 July 2019 ~ This Is Me! ~ Scott Cheeseman 

14 July 2019 ~ Christ and the Psalms: “Then how come David says...?” ~ Psalm 110:1 & Matthew 22:41-45 ~ Phil Durrant 

7 July 2019 ~ Junior Church Anniversary ~ Zoltan Biro 

30 June 2019 ~ Christ and the Psalms: “Did you skip over the bit about...?” ~ Ps 118:22-23 & Matt 21:33-46 ~ Marlene Ewart 

23 June 2019 ~ Christ and the Psalms: “Is it not written…?” ~ Psalm 82 & John 10: 22-39 ~ Phil Durrant 

16 June 2019 ~ Christ & the Psalms: Have you even read the Scriptures? ~ Psalm 8, Matt 21:14-17 ~ Phil Durrant 

9 June 2019 ~ United Service for Pentecost at St Mary's. No audio 

 2 June 2019 ~ Core Christian Reflexes: Cross-Shaped Engagement: Responding to Evil ~ Matt 5:38-48 ~ Jakki Nobbs 

26 May 2019 ~ Core Christian Reflexes: High Fidelity Relationships: The Shape of Adultery & Practising Honest Speech ~ Matthew 5: 27-37 & Matthew 19: 1-12 ~ Malcolm Goodspeed 

19 May 2019 ~ Core Christian Reflexes: The Heart of the Law & The Eviction of Anger  ~ Matt 5:17-26 ~ Phil Durrant 

12 May 2019 ~ Core Christian Reflexes: Being Salt and Light – The Call to Engage ~ Matt 5: 13-16 ~ Phil Durrant 

5 May 2019 ~ Core Christian Reflexes: The Father’s Heart: The Beatitudes ~ Matt 5: 1-12 ~ Paul Ewart 

28 April 2019 ~ Core Christian Reflexes: The Call to Discipleship & The Kingdom of God ~ Matthew 4: 17 - 5:2 ~ Phil Durrant 

21 April 2019 ~ Easter Sunday Church Family Service ~ Phil Durrant 

14 April 2019 ~ The Coronation of the King  ~ Matthew 21:1-11 ~ David Cranston 

7 April 2019 ~ Dove Upon the Waters: The Spirit and the Sent (no audio file) ~ Luke 10:1-24 ~ Phil Durrant  

31 March 2019 ~ Dove Upon the Waters: The Spirit and the Saints ~ Romans 8:1-27 ~ Phil Durrant 

30 March 2019 ~ 3. Induction Of Phil Durrant (part 3) 

30 March 2019 ~ 4. Induction of Phil Durrant (part 4) 

30 March 2019 ~ 2. Induction of Phil Durrant (part 2) 

 30 March 2019 ~ 1. Induction of Phil Durrant (part 1) 

 24 March 2019 ~ Dove Upon the Waters: The Spirit and the Snake ~ Luke 4:1-21 ~ Phil Durrant 

17 March 2019 ~ Dove Upon the Water: The Spirit and The Son ~ Mark 1: 1-15 ~ Phil Durrant 

10 March 2019 ~ Your Kingdom Come: The Final Outcome and The Prophet’s Vindication  ~ Micah 7 ~ Paul Ewart 

3 March 2019 ~ Your Kingdom Come: God vs His People: The Trial and Verdict ~ Micah 6 ~ John Miller 

24 February 2019 ~ Your Kingdom Come: Indictment and Warnings of Judgement  ~ Micah 1; 2:1-11; 3:1-7 ~ Akin Adeniran 

17 February 2019 ~ New series from Micah. Your Kingdom Come: The King and His Kingdom ~ Micah 2:1, 2,13; 4:1-7; 5: 2, 4, 5a ~ Marlene Ewart 

10 February 2019 ~ Down to Earth about Faith: Faith and Prayer ~ James 5: 13-20 ~ Steve Barber 

27 January 2019 ~ Down to Earth about Faith: Faith and Patience ~ James 5: 7-12 ~ Jakki Nobbs 

20 January 2019 ~ Down-to-Earth about Faith: Faith and Money ~ James 5: 1-6 ~ David Cranston 

13 January 2019 ~ Down-to-Earth about Faith: Faith and Humility ~ James 4 ~ Marlene Ewart 

6 January 2019 ~ Down to Earth about Faith: Faith and Wisdom ~ James 3:13-18 ~ Paul Ewart 

2018 Sermons

30 December 2018 ~ The Coming King: The Triumph of the King ~ Revelation 21: 1-7 ~ Malcolm Goodspeed 

23 December 2018 ~ The Coming King: The King Goes Public (morning service) ~ Luke 4: 14-32 ~ Andy Cranston 

23 December 2018 ~ ‘What If…’ (Carol Service) ~ Andy North 

16 December 2018 ~ The Coming King: The King’s coming! ~ Luke 3: 1-18, 21,22 ~ Akin Adeniran 

9 December 2018 ~ The Coming King: A Message for Mary and her Response ~ Luke 1: 26-38, 46b-55  ~ Jakki Nobbs 

2 December 2018 ~ The Coming King: The Promise of a King  ~ Isaiah 9: 2-7 ~ Mark Greenwood 

25 November 2018 ~ Antioch – A church willing to take risks for the sake of mission  ~ Acts 11:19-26 ~ Steve Barber 

18 November 2018 ~ Church Anniversary: The church as a covenant community ~ Ephesians 4:1-16 ~ Rev Dr Anthony Clarke 

11 November 2018 ~ Down to earth about faith: Faith and the Tongue ~ James 3: 1-12 ~ Malcolm Goodspeed 

4 November 2018 ~ Down to earth about faith: Faith and Works  ~ James 2: 14-26 ~ Phil Durrant 

28 October 2018 ~ Down to earth about faith: Faith and Favouritism  ~ James 2: 1-13 ~ Paul Bendor-Samuel 

21 October 2018 ~ Down to earth about faith: Faith and the Word (No audio file) ~ James 1: 16-27 ~ Marlene Ewart 

14 October 2018 ~ Down to earth about faith: Challenges to faith  ~ James 1: 1 -15 ~ Paul Ewart 

7 October 2018 ~ Harvest Thanksgiving (no audio file) ~ Marlene Ewart 

30 September 2018 ~ An Emotional Farewell: The Work of the Gospel (Graham's last Sunday) ~ Acts 20: 13-38 ~ Graham Sinden 

23 September 2018 ~ Isolation ~ Andy North 

16 September 2018 ~ Once and for all – SORTED!  ~ Hebrews 10 ~ Graham Sinden 

9 September 2018 ~ Baptism ~ Romans 1: 16-17 ~ Graham Sinden 

2 September 2018 ~ Locked up with Hungry Lions ~ Daniel 6:1-23 ~ Graham Sinden 

26 August 2018 ~ The Burning, Fiery Furnace ~ Daniel 3: 1-30 ~ John Adams 

19 August 2018 ~ Swallowed by a Whale!  ~ Jonah 1-4 ~ Stephen Harrison 

12 August 2018~ The Warrior and the Little Maid ~ 2 Kings 5:1-19 ~ Akin Adeniran 

5 August 2018 ~ Mercy to the Murderous King ~ 1 Samuel 24 ~ Graham Sinden 

29 July 2018 ~ Gideon & the 300 ~ Judges 7: 1-22 ~ Jakki & Steve Nobbs (& puppets) 

22 July 2018 ~ Knowing God: ‘Revealed in Us’ ~ Genesis 1:28-31 & Psalm 8 ~ Marlene Ewart 

15 July 2018 ~ Knowing God: ‘Revealed in Jesus’ ~ Luke 4:14-22 ~ Graham Sinden 

8 July 2018 ~ Rooted in Christ: Building on Christ  ~ Colossians 2:6-7; 3:1-17 ~ Graham Sinden 

1 July 2018 ~ Knowing God: ‘Revealed in the Bible’ ~ Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 103 ~ Paul Ewart 

24 June 2018 ~ New series: Knowing God: ‘Revealed in Creation’ ~ Psalm 19:1-6; Romans 1:18-20 ~ Graham Sinden 

17 June 2018 ~ 'Pastor and People': Sharing Good News ~ Luke 15:1-10  ~ Graham Sinden 

10 June 2018 ~ ‘Pastor and People’: Hearing God’s Word ~ 1 Corinthians 1: 18-25; 2: 1-5 ~ Graham Sinden 

3 June 2018 ~ Junior Church Anniversary ~ Ephesians 2 ~ Zoltan Biro 

27 May 2018 ~ New series: 'Pastor and People'. Caring for one another ~ John 10:11-16 & 1 Peter 5:1-4 ~ Graham Sinden 

20 May 2018 ~ CTK United Service for Pentecost - no audio file  

13 May 2018 ~ Filled to the Brim ~ Acts 1: 1-14 ~ David Llewellyn  

6 May 2018 ~ Servanthood ~ Mark 9: 33-37 ~ Andrew Bevan 

29 April 2018 ~ Resurrection and the ‘D’ Words. 3. Disaster  ~ Rom 28:19-21; Mark 5: 35-41  ~ Paul Ewart 

22 April 2018 ~ Resurrection and the ‘D’ Words. 2. Dying ~ Psalm 23; Mark 5:21-43; Gal 6:7  ~ Marlene Ewart 

15 April 2018 ~ New Series: Resurrection and the ‘D’ Words 1. Death ~ 1 Corinthians 15:35-57  ~ David Cranston 

8 April 2018 ~ The Final Week: Sunday Evening: A Surprise Visitor ~ Luke 24:35-53 ~ Graham Sinden 

1 April 2018 ~ The Final Week: Sunday’s Surprise (no audio file) ~ Matthew 28:1-15 ~ Graham Sinden 

25 March 2018 ~ The Final Week: A Story on the Mount ~ Matthew 25:14-30; 26:1-5 ~ Graham Sinden 

18 March 2018 ~ The Final Week: Stories in the Temple ~ Matthew 21:23-32 ~ Graham Sinden 

11 March 2018 ~ New series for Easter: The Final Week - Sunday’s Spectacle ~ Matthew 21:1-17 ~ Graham Sinden 

4 March 2018 ~ Whole Life Worship: Worshipping Focuses Our Wavering Hearts ~ Revelation 4 and 5 ~ Paul Ewart 

25 February 2018 ~ Whole Life Worship: Worshipping inspires our Everyday Speech ~ James 5:13-18 ~ Graham Sinden 

18 February 2018 ~ Whole Life Worship: Worshipping Transforms our Ordinary actions ~ Colossians 3:12-17 ~ Marlene Ewart 

11 February 2018 ~ Whole Life Worship: Worshipping offers us fresh insight ~ Ephesians 1:15-23 ~ Graham Sinden 

4 February 2018 ~ The Rich Man - no audio file ~ Mark 10:17-31 ~ Junior Church 

28 January 2018 ~ New Series: Whole Life Worship: Worshipping Engages our Whole Lives ~ Romans 12:1-2 ~ Graham Sinden 

21 January 2018 ~ The Message of Haggai: A Call to Holiness ~ Haggai 2:10-23 ~ Marlene Ewart 

14 January 2018 ~ The Message of Haggai: The Glories of the Past, God with us today  ~ Haggai 2:1-9 ~ Graham Sinden 

7 January 2018 ~ New Series. The Message of Haggai: Putting God First… ~ Haggai 1: 1-15 ~ Graham Sinden 

2017 Sermons

31 December 2017 ~ Jesus is for Life, not just for Christmas - cafe style service (no audio file) ~ Steve & Jakki Nobbs 

24 December 2017 ~ Christmas International (no audio file) ~ Merid & Grace Desta 

17 December 2017 ~ Carol Service (no audio file) ~ Graham Sinden 

10 December 2017 ~ Advent Waiting, Expectant Hope ~ Luke 1: 46-55, 67-80 ~ Graham Sinden 

3 December 2017 ~ New series - Candles at Christmas: The Prophets’ Candle: Hope ~ Isaiah 11:1-9; Luke 1:67-75 ~ Graham Sinden 

26 November 2017 ~ On My Knees: Praying with desire; praying with joy ~ Philippians 1:1-11 ~ Graham Sinden 

19 November 2017 ~ On My Knees: Praying in Faith, Praying with Persistence ~ Matthew 17:14-20; Luke 18:1-8 ~ Akin Adeniran 

12 November 2017 ~ 61st Church Anniversary. A Godless World – a Faithful Church ~ John 20:20-24, 16:5-11 ~ Graham Sinden 

5 November 2017 ~ On my Knees: Praying with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit  ~ Romans 8 ~ Graham Sinden 

29 October 2017 ~ On My Knees: Prayer Changes Things ~ Philippians 4: 4-7 ~ Paul Ewart 

22 October 2017 ~ On My Knees: Prayer, God and us (no audio file) ~ Exodus 32:1-14 ~ Graham Sinden 

15 October 2017 ~ New series: On My Knees: How involved is God? ~ Chris Band 

8 October 2017 ~ The Reformation - 500 years ~  Graham Sinden 

1 October 2017 ~ Harvest Thanksgiving: Hunger steals – the Church gives ~ Graham Sinden 

24 September 2017 ~ Sexual Ethics: Marriage, Celibacy, Same Sex ~ 1 Corinthians 6:15-7:9 and 7:29-38 ~ Graham Sinden 

17 September 2017 ~ Sexual Ethics: Marriage, Celibacy, Same Sex (no audio file)  ~ Matthew 19: 1-12 ~ Graham Sinden 

10 September 2017 ~ How many fish? ~ John 21: 1-25 ~ Andy North 

3 September 2017 ~ Finishing the Race ~ 2 Timothy 4:1-8 ~ Graham Sinden 

27 August 2017 ~ The Adventures of Paul: Shipwrecked! (no audio file) ~ Acts 27:13-44 ~ Graham Sinden 

20 August 2017 ~ The Adventures of Paul: A Murder is Foiled ~ Acts 23: 12-32 ~ David Cranston 

13 August 2017 ~ The Adventures of Paul: Riot in Ephesus ~ Acts 19:23-41 ~ John Adams 

6 August 2017 ~ The Adventures of Paul:The Fortune Teller and the Jailer ~ Acts 16: 16-40 ~ Paul Ewart 

30 July 2017 ~ The Adventures of Paul: Encounter with a Sorcerer  ~ Acts 13: 4-12 ~ Steve Nobbs 

23 July 2017 ~ The Adventures of Paul: Escape from Damascus ~ Acts 9:1-30 ~ Graham Sinden 

16 July 2017 ~ Words of Comfort and Challenge - No Life without Death ~ John 12:23-26 ~ Graham Sinden 

9 July 2017 ~ Service of Believers’ Baptism. Zacchaeus: A changed man ~ Luke 19:1-10 ~ Graham Sinden 

2 July 2017 ~ No audio file available ~ Matthew 25:14-30 ~ Junior Church Anniversary. Su McClellen from Embrace the Middle East 

25 June 2017 ~ Words of Comfort and Challenge Treasure in Heaven ~ Luke 12:33-34 ~ Graham Sinden 

18 June 2017 ~ Words of Comfort and Challenge - Love your Enemies! ~ Matthew 5:43-45 ~ Paul Ewart 

11 June 2017 ~ Words of Comfort and Challenge - Rest for the Weary (no audio file) ~ Matthew 11:28-29 ~ Graham Sinden 

4 June 2017 ~ No audio file available ~ Joint KCC service @ St Mary's ~ Joint KCC service @ St Mary's 

28 May 2017 ~ Galatians - A call to unity ~ Galatians 3v26-29, 5v13-15, 5v26-6v10 ~ Graham Sinden 

21 May 2017 ~ Galatians - A call to holiness ~ Galatians 5:16-25 ~ Akin Adeniran 

14 May 2017 ~ Galatians - The achievement of the cross ~ Galatians 3v6-14, 4v4-7, ~ Graham Sinden 

7 May 2017 ~ Galatians - A Perverted Gospel (the Galatian problem) ~ Galatians 1:6-9, 3:1-5, 4:8-11 ~ Graham Sinden 

30 April 2017 ~ Galatians - The Gospel according to Paul ~ Galatians ~ Marlene Ewart 

9 April 2017 ~ Series: Words from the Cross - My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? ~ Mark 15v3 ~ Merid Desta 

2 April 2017 ~ Series: Words from the cross - I thirst ~ John v19-28 ~ Graham Sinden 

26 March 2017 ~ Series: Words from the Cross - Today you will be with me in paradise ~ Luke 23:43, John 19:26,27 ~ Graham Sinden 

19 March 2017 ~ No Audio - Series: Words from the Cross ~ Luke 23:34 ~ Paul Ewart 

12 March 2017 ~ In Search of Solomon - Solomon’s Downfall ~ 1 Kings 11:1-13 ~ Graham Sinden 

5 March 2017 ~ In search of Solomon - Solomon's fame ~ 1 Kings 10 ~ Graham Sinden 

19 February 2017 ~ In Search of Solomon - Solomon’s Temple ~ John 2:13-22 ~ Graham Sinden 

12 February 2017 ~ In Search of Solomon - Solomon’s Wisdom ~ 1 Kings 3:16-28 ~ Graham Sinden 

29 January 2017 ~ In search of Solomon - Solomon’s Wish ~ 1 Kings 3:1-11 ~ Marlene Ewart 

22 January 2017 ~ Living Justly ~ Isaiah 1:10-17, Acts 4:32-37 ~ Graham Sinden 

15 January 2017~ Building on rock ~ Matthew 7 v24-27 ~ Graham Sinden 

8 January 2017 ~ Staying close to God, Monday to Saturday ~ Matthew 6 v1-18 ~ Graham Sinden 

1 January 2017 ~ New Years Day ~ 2 Cor 1 The Message Ver. ~ John Adams 

2016 Sermons

11 December 2016 ~ Ordinary People - Extraordinary Events - Troubled Fiance ~ Matthew 1 v18-25 ~ Graham Sinden 

4 December 2016 ~ Ordinary People - Extraordinary Events - Brave Girl ~ Lk. 1 v26-56 ~ Paul Ewart 

27 November 2016 ~ Ordinary People - Extraordinary Events ~ Luke 1 v5-24, 57-58 ~ Graham Sinden 

20 November 2016 ~ 60th Church Anniversary ~ Psalm 46 ~ Andrew Bevan 

13 November 2016 ~ What about sin and forgiveness? ~ Col. 1 ~ Graham Sinden 

6 November 2016 ~ What do Christians believe about the Church? ~ John 20 ~ Graham Sinden 

30 October 2016 ~ The Apostles Creed IV ~ John 14 ~ Merid Desta 

23 October 2016 ~ The Apostles Creed III ~ Graham Sinden 

16 October 2016 ~ The Apostles Creed II - Questions of belief: About God? ~ Graham Sinden 

9 October 2016 ~ The Apostles Creed I - Questions of belief: I believe ~ John 6:60-70 ~ Graham Sinden 

2 October 2016 ~ ‘The Painful Road to Reconciliation’ Overcoming Broken Relationships ~ Genesis 37-50 ~ Steve Barber 

2 October 2016 ~ ‘Playing to the audience of one – Reprise’ Overcoming success – staying close to God in the good times ~ Genesis 37-50 ~ Steve Barber 

1 October 2016 ~ ‘God’s Providence is a slow burner’ Overcoming disappointment ~ Genesis 37-50 ~ Steve Barber 

1 October 2016 ~ ‘Playing to the Audience of One’ Overcoming Sexual temptation ~ Genesis 37-50 ~ Steve Barber 

30 September 2016 ~ ‘The God who has a Plan’ Overcoming dysfunctionality and betrayal ~ Genesis 37-50 ~ Steve Barber 

25 September 2016 ~ Harvest Thanksgiving Service ~ Graham Sinden 

18 September 2016 ~ ‘The Christian Citizen’ Activists ~ James 1:27 and 2:14-20 ~ Graham Sinden 

11 September 2016 ~ 'The Christian Citizen' - A Peacemaker ~ James 3:13-18 ~ Marlene Ewart 

4 September 2016 ~ ‘The Christian Citizen’ - Pray-ers ~ 1 Timothy 2:1-6 & 2 Chronicles 7:14 ~ Graham Sinden 

28 August 2016 ~ Church Family Service ~ Acts 10 ~ Graham Sinden 

21 August 2016 ~ Creative Love ~ Genesis 1-3 ~ Paul Ewart 

7 August 2016 ~ Loving God ~ John 14 ~ John Adams 

24 July 2016 ~ John 3:16 ~ John 3:16 ~ Akin Adeniran 

17 July 2016 ~ 'A Fresh Look at the Familiar: All you need is Love' The Triumph of Love ~ Romans 8: 35-39 ~ Graham Sinden 

10 July 2016 ~ 'A Fresh Look at the Familiar: All you need is Love' The True Nature of Love ~ 1 Corinthians 13 ~ Graham Sinden 

19 June 2016 ~ The Challenge of Jesus: Graciously Demanding ~ John 8:1-11 ~ Graham Sinden 

12 June 2016 ~ The Challenge of Jesus: Relationally Electric ~ John 1:35-51 ~ raham Sinden 

5 June 2016 ~ The Challenge of Jesus: Scandalously Inclusive ~ Matthew 8:5-13 & 15:21-28; Luke 7:36-50 ~ Peter Heath 

29 May 2016 ~ SONG OF SONGS, part 2 How do we read these love poems? The literal approach ~ Marlene Ewart & Graham Sinden 

22 May 2016 ~ SONG OF SONGS How do we read these love poems? The allegorical approach ~ Isaiah 54 : 5-8 ~ Graham Sinden 

8 May 2016 ~ ‘The Measure of marriage in today’s world’ Marriage – its priority and purpose ~ Genesis 2: 18-25 ~ Graham Sinden 

1 May 2016 ~ ‘The measure of marriage in today’s world’ – Singleness ~ Matthew 19: 3-12 & 1 Corinthians 7: 25-35 ~ Marlene Ewart 

24 April 2016 ~ ‘The measure of marriage in today’s world’ - Marriage: Restrictive or Freeing? ~ 1 John 4:7-21  ~ Graham Sinden 

10 April 2016 ~ Workplace Sunday ~ Daniel 1 ~ Graham Sinden 

3 April 2016 ~ ‘Why did Jesus die?’ ‘The Good Shepherd’  ~ John 10:1-10 ~ Malcolm Goodspeed 

27 March 2016 ~ Easter Sunday - Joy, Peace and Forgiveness ~ John 20: 19-23 ~ Graham Sinden 

13 March 2016 ~ ‘Why did Jesus die?’ The suffering servant ~ Matthew 27: 27-61 ~ Peter Heath 

6 March 2016 ~ ‘Why did Jesus die?’ A Ransom for Many ~ Matthew 20: 17-28 ~ Graham Sinden 

28 February 2016 ~ ‘Why did Jesus die?’ The Bronze Serpent ~ John 3: 1-27 & Numbers 21: 4-9 ~ Revd Steve Rodda: Minister of Kings Sutton Baptist Church 

21 February 2016 ~ Cries from the heart: Reflections from the psalms - The cry of encouragement  ~ Psalm 37 ~ Graham Sinden 

14 February 2016 ~ Cries from the Heart:Reflections on the Psalms - A cry of doubt & depression ~ Psalm 42 ~ Graham Sinden 

31 January 2016 ~ Cries from the Heart: Reflections on the Psalms - A cry for justice ~ Psalm 82 ~ Graham Sinden 

24 January 2016 ~ Cries from the Heart: Reflections on the Psalms - A cry in the dark ~ Psalm 88 ~ Marlene Ewart 

17 January 2016 ~ Cries from the Heart: Reflections on the Psalms - A cry of Joy ~ Psalm 98 ~ Graham Sinden 

10 January 2016 ~ Cries from the Heart: Reflections on the Psalms - A cry of Praise ~ Psalm 145 ~ Graham Sinden 

3 January 2016 ~ Reasons for Hope - Hope for the future ~ 1 Thessalonians 4: 13 - 5: 11 ~ Graham Sinden 

2015 Sermons

27 December 2015 ~ Church Family Service ~ Acts 22: 1-21 ~ Ugo Anagor 

29 November 2015 ~ Praising God for Jesus ~ Ephesians 1: 1-14 ~ Graham Sinden 

22 November 2015 ~ The Uncompleted Journey ~ Genesis 11: 26 - 12: 9 ~ Revd Nick Harris, Minister of Woodstock BC 

15 November 2015 ~ The Blessing of Baptism ~ Romans 6: 1-11 ~ Graham Sinden 

8 November 2015 ~ Joshua: the Challenge of Mass Destruction. How is this love? ~  Graham Sinden 

1 November 2015 ~ The Fall of Jericho ~ Joshua 5:13 - 6:27 ~ Peter Heath 

18 October 2015 ~ Rahab’s story ~ Joshua 2 & 6: 20-23 ~ Graham Sinden 

11 October 2015 ~ Step up to the plate! Commissioning of Joshua ~ Joshua 1: 1-9 ~ Graham Sinden 

4 October 2015 ~ Joshua: A man of faith and vision ~ Numbers 13 & 14 ~ Marlene Ewart 

27 September 2015 ~ Harvest Thanksgiving ~  Graham Sinden 

20 September 2015 ~ Little Gems: Walking in the Truth ~ 3 John ~ Graham Sinden 

13 September 2015 ~ Little Gems: Live in Truth & Love ~ 2 John ~ Graham Sinden 

9 August 2015 ~ Friends of Jesus - Zacchaeus meets Jesus ~ Luke 19: 1-10 ~ John Adams 

2 August 2015 ~ Friends of Jesus - Martha and Mary ~ Luke 10: 38-42 ~ Paul Ewart 

26 July 2015 ~ Friends of Jesus - Nathanael ~ John 1: 43-51 ~ Peter Heath 

12 July 2015 ~ Jesus and gender-based violence ~ John 4: 4-26 & 39-42 ~ Graham Sinden 

5 July 2015 ~ DIGNITY: BMS World Mission initiative taking a stand against gender based violence ~ Luke 10: 38-42 & 13: 10-17  ~ Graham Sinden 

28 June 2015 ~ Fruitfulness on the Front Line: The Journey On ~ 2 Kings 6: 15-17; Matthew 28: 16-20 ~ Marlene Ewart 

24 June 2015 ~ Is It True? Talk 4: Suffering exists, so God doesn't. ~ John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics, Oxford University 

21 June 2015 ~ Fruitfulness on the Front Line: Messenger of the Gospel  ~ 1 Peter 3: 8-17 ~ Graham Sinden 

17 June 2015 ~ Is It True? Talk 3: Science has disproved God. ~ Slide show pdf ~ Paul Ewart. Professor of Physics, Oxford University 

14 June 2015 ~ Junior Church 61st Anniversary ~ Revd. Steve Rodda, Minister of Kings Sutton Baptist Church 

10 June 2015 ~ Is It True? Talk 2: Religion is bad for the world. ~ Keith Ward, Regius Professor of Divinity, Emeritus, Oxford University 

3 June 2015 ~ Is It True? Talk 1: Atheism is more rational than Christianity.  ~ Slide show pdf ~ Alister McGrath, Professor of Science and Religion, Oxford University 

3 May 2015 ~ Fruitfulness on the Front Line: Modelling Godly Character ~ Galatians 5: 13-26 ~ Graham Sinden 

19 April 2015 ~ I was a stranger and you invited me into your home ~ Deuteronomy 10: 12; 17-21; Matthew 25: 31-40 ~ Marlene Ewart 

12 April 2015 ~ Christian Citizenship ~ John Adams 

5 April 2015 ~ Easter Sunday ~ Luke 24 ~ Graham Sinden 

22 March 2015 ~ Misconceptions about the Messiah: Demonic or Divine ~ Luke 11: 14-32 ~ Graham Sinden 

15 March 2015 ~ Misconceptions about the Messiah: Law Breaker or Law Keeper? ~ Luke 6: 1-11 ~ Graham Sinden 

8 March 2015 ~ Misconceptions about the Messiah: Sinner or Saviour? ~ Luke 5: 17-32 ~ Peter Heath 

1 March 2015 ~ Misconceptions about the Messiah: How not to miss out on God’s Grace ~ Luke 4: 14-30 ~ Graham Sinden 

22 February 2015 ~ “Climate change, the Bible and the End of the World”  ~ Genesis 2: 2-17; Romans 8: 18-22 ~ Paul Ewart 

15 February 2015 ~ Discover Joy: Adventures in Philippians - Joy in God ~ Philippians 1: 21-23; 3: 10-14; 4: 4-7 ~ Graham Sinden 

1 February 2015 ~ Discover Joy: Adventures in Philippians - Joy in Adversity ~ Philippians 1: 12-19; 27-30  ~ Graham Sinden 

29 January 2015 ~ Margaret Vorley's Funeral Service ~ 1 Peter 1: 3-9 ~ Jack Ramsbottom 

25 January 2015 ~ Discover Joy: Adventures in Philippians - Joy in Service ~ Philippians 1: 12-19; 27-30; 3: 17 - 4: 1  ~ Malcolm Goodspeed 

18 January 2015 ~ Exodus & Passover ~ Exodus 12 ~ Peter Heath 

11 January 2015 ~ Discover Joy: Adventures in Philippians - Joy in Fellowship ~ Philippians 1: 1-11; 4: 15-20 ~ Graham Sinden 

4 January 2015 ~ Light to the World ~ Matthew 5: 14-16 ~ Marlene Ewart 

2014 Sermons

14 December 2014 ~ Light to the Nations ~ Luke 2: 25-32 ~ Graham Sinden 

7 December 2014 ~ The Overcoming & Guiding Light ~ Luke 1: 76-79 ~ Peter Heath 

30 November 2014 ~ The Revealing Light ~ John 1: 1-18 ~ Graham Sinden 

23 November 2014 ~ Wrestling Out the Blessing ~ Genesis 32:22 - 33:4 ~ Phil Durrant .

16 November 2014 ~ Even More Fruit ~ John 15: 1-17 ~ Graham Sinden 

9 November 2014 ~ Remembrance Sunday ~ John 16: 33 ~ Graham Sinden 

19 October 2014 ~ Amos – Light NOT Darkness ~ Amos 8 ~ Graham Sinden 

12 October 2014 ~ Amos - The true prophet ~ Amos 7 ~ Marlene Ewart 

5 October 2014 ~ Harvest Service ~ Luke 10: 1-9 ~ Graham Sinden 

28 September 2014 ~ Amos – Stop playing at meetings ~ Amos 5: 21-24; 6: 3-7; 7: 1-6 ~ Graham Sinden 

21 September 2014 ~ Amos - Listen to the Lord God of heaven's Armies, the Lord living amongst his people ~ Amos 3: 1-2; 8; 4: 1-13 ~ Graham Sinden 

14 September 2014 ~ Amos – Seek the Lord and Live ~ Amos 3 - 5: 17 ~ Andy North 

7 September 2014 ~ Amos – The Lion Roars ~ Amos 1 - 3:2 ~ Graham Sinden 

24 August 2014 ~ The Story of Esther ~ Esther 1-10  ~ Graham Sinden 

17 August 2014 ~ Encounters with Jesus ~ John 6: 1-15 ~ Marlene Ewart 

10 August 2014 ~ Jesus meets John the Baptist ~ Matthew 3: 1–17 ~ Peter Heath 

3 August 2014 ~ Meeting the real Jesus ~ Luke 5: 17-26 ~ Paul Ewart 

27 July 2014 ~ The Woman at the Well…..of all People!  ~ John 4: 1-30 ~ Nathan Adams 

20 July 2014 ~ CALEB - Living totally for God ~ Joshua 14 ~ Graham Sinden 

13 July 2014 ~ Here and now, there and then, and hereafter ~ Ecclesiastes 12: 1-7 ~ John Adams 

6 July 2014 ~ The joy and challenges of children ~ Deuteronomy 6: 1-8 ~ Graham Sinden 

29 June 2014 ~ Temptation – In the heat of the battle ~ Matthew 4:1-11 ~ Graham Sinden 

15 June 2014 ~ Temptation: Preparing for Battle ~ Ephesians 6: 10-18 ~ Graham Sinden 

1 June 2014 ~ The Holy Spirit Comes ~ Acts 2: 1-36 & Romans 8: 1-17 ~ Graham Sinden 

25 May 2014 ~ Temptation: Seriousness of the Struggle ~ Colossians 3: 1-11 ~ Peter Heath 

18 May 2014 ~ Temptation: Know Your Enemy ~ Genesis 3: 1-6 & Mark 7: 14-23 ~ Graham Sinden 

11 May 2014 ~ Temptation to Exploit ~ Luke 7: 36-50 ~ Malcolm Goodspeed 

4 May 2014 ~ Temptation! Face to Face! ~ James 1: 14-15 ~ Marlene Ewart 

27 April 2014 ~ “I AM” the True Vine ~ John 15: 1-8 ~ Peter Heath 

20 April 2014 ~ Easter Day ~ John: 1-20 ~ Graham Sinden 

20 April 2014 ~ “I AM” the Way, the Truth and the Life ~ John 14: 1-7 ~ Graham Sinden 

6 April 2014 ~ “I AM” the Good Shepherd ~ John 10 : 11-21; 27- 30 ~ Graham Sinden 

30 March 2014 ~ “I AM” the Gate ~ John 10: 1-10 ~ John Adams 

23 March 2014 ~ “I AM” the Light of the World ~ John 8: 12-20 ; 9: 1-7 ~ Graham Sinden 

16 March 2014 ~ “I AM” the Bread of Life ~ John 6 : 1-14; 22-40 ~ Graham Sinden 

9 March 2014 ~ So what about the Church? ~ 1 Peter 4:10-11, 5:1-13 ~ Paul Ewart 

23 February 2014 ~ So what about relationships?  ~ 1 Peter 3: 1-12, 4: 7-9  ~ Graham Sinden 

16 February 2014 ~ So what about the powers that be? ~ 1 Peter 2:13-25 ~ Graham Sinden 

9 February 2014 ~ Surprised by suffering? ~ 1 Peter 1:6-9; 1 Peter 3:13-17; 1 Peter 4:12-19 ~ Graham Sinden 

26 January 2014 ~ A precious Saviour. From the empty life to the full life ~ 1 Peter 1:18-21 & 2: 4-8 ~ Graham Sinden 

26 January 2014 ~ Churches Against Poverty ~ Matthew 25: 31-40 ~ Hilary Kitchen 

19 January 2014 ~ Church Family Service - Communion ~ Graham Sinden 

12 January 2014 ~ God’s cherished people ~ 1 Peter 1: 1-5 & vs 21; 1 Peter 2: 5-10  ~ Marlene Ewart 

5 January 2014 ~ Faith, Love & Hope ~ 1 Thessalonians 1  ~ Graham Sinden 

2013 Sermons

22 December 2013 ~ Carol Service ~  Graham Sinden 

15 December 2013 ~ A child is born and he will be called Everlasting Father ~ Isaiah 9 : 6-7  ~ Graham Sinden 

8 December 2013 ~ A child is born and he will be called Mighty God ~ Isaiah 9 : 6-7  ~ Marlene Ewart 

1 December 2013 ~ Advent - A child is born and he will be called Wonderful Counsellor ~ Isaiah 9 : 6-7  ~ Graham Sinden 

24 November 2013 ~ Do as you say! Daring to do what we believe ~ Genesis 18:1-8 ~ Revd. Chris Duffett 

3 November 2013 ~ Get Real! Real Treasure ~ Matthew 6:19-34  ~ Graham Sinden 

20 October 2013 ~ Examples of Kingdom living ~ Matthew 5-7 ~ Paul Ewart 

13 October 2013 ~ Kingdom living with regard to adultery ~ Matthew 5: 27-32  ~ Graham Sinden 

6 October 2013 ~ A Word to the Wise ~ Matthew 5 - 7 ~ Graham Sinden 

29 September 2013 ~ Harvest Thanksgiving ~  Graham Sinden 

22 September 2013 ~ The Kingdom of the Blessed: Open to All. ~ Matthew 5: 1-16 ~ Marlene Ewart 

15 September 2013 ~ Eavesdropping the Lord - How He prays for us ~ John 17 ~ Graham Sinden 

8 September 2013 ~ The problems of prayer ~  Paul Ewart 

1 September 2013 ~ “A Prayer Perused” ~ Daniel 9: 4-19, Eph. 1: 15-21 & 3: 14-21 ~ Graham Sinden 

28 July 2013 ~ A fresh perspective on Prayer – “The Promises of Prayer”  ~ Psalm 96, Matthew 7: 7-11 ~ Malcolm Goodspeed 

21 July 2013 ~ “Life Issues” – “The Peace of God” ~ Andy North 

14 July 2013 ~ “Life Issues” – “Anxiety” ~ Matthew 6: 19-34  ~ Graham Sinden 

7 July 2013 ~ Service of Believers’ Baptism  ~ Stephen Milford 

30 June 2013 ~ “Abraham: A Journey of Faith and Failure” Faith tested to the extreme ~ Genesis 21: 1-7; 22: 1-19 ~ Graham Sinden 

23 June 2013 ~ “Abraham: A Journey of Faith and Failure” Putting the world to rights, with God ~ Genesis 18: 16-33 ~ Graham Sinden 

16 June 2013 ~ Team visit to Potter’s Village in Kisoro, Uganda. ~  Janet Persson 

9 June 2013 ~ "Abraham: A Journey of Faith and Failure" ~ Genesis 17: 1-22 ~ Graham Sinden 

19 May 2013 ~ Celebrating Pentecost ~ Graham Sinden 

12 May 2013 ~ Junior Church 60th Anniversary - “Empowering is Nearly Here” ~  The Revd Ken Franklin, Thatcham Baptist Church  

5 May 2013 ~ “Abraham: A Journey of Faith and Failure” - An Unselfish Decision ~ Genesis 13  ~ Graham Sinden 

28 April 2013 ~ “Abraham: A Journey of Faith and Failure”  ~ Genesis 12:10 – 13:4  ~ Stephen Milford 

28 April 2013 ~ One Man's Remarkable Story ~  Bill Prevett 

21 April 2013 ~ “Abraham: A Journey of Faith and Failure” - The Journey Begins ~ Genesis 11:27 – 12:9  ~ Graham Sinden 

14 April 2013 ~ “The Returning King” ~ Acts 1: 4-14  ~ Graham Sinden 

17 March 2013 ~ “Kingship Challenged”  ~ Luke 20: 1-26  ~ Paul Ewart 

10 March 2013 ~ “The King Enters Jerusalem” ~ Isaiah 50: 4-8; Zechariah 9: 9; Luke 19: 28-48  ~ Graham Sinden 

3 March 2013 ~ "God’s Messiah" ~ Luke 9: :18-36 ~ Malcolm Goodspeed 

10 February 2013 ~ “The Launch of the Kingdom” ~ Luke 3: 21-22; Luke 4:18-21, 31-40 ~ Graham Sinden 

3 February 2013 ~ “The King is Coming!” ~ Luke 1: 26-35 and 46-55 ~ Graham Sinden 

27 January 2013 ~ “God at Work”  ~ Ephesians 4: 5 - 5: 6 ~ Graham Sinden 

20 January 2013 ~ “The Most Memorable Meal” ~ Steve Nobbs & Graham Sinden 

13 January 2013 ~ “God’s Work” ~ Genesis 2: 4 – 7; 4: 17 – 22a.; Luke 12: 13 – 15; 10: 38 – 42 ~ Paul Ewart 

6 January 2013 ~ “Going Deeper” ~ Ephesians 3: 14-19; Colossians 1: 9-10 ~ Marlene Ewart 

2012 Sermons

30 December 2012 ~ “Blockbusters” ~ Micah 5 ~ John Miller 

16 December 2012 ~ Advent Series on the book of Revelation: "How everything bad in the world will be dealt with”.  ~ Revelation 20; 21: 1- 2  ~ Graham Sinden 

25 November 2012 ~ Life on the front line 1 of 3 ~ Ephesians 4v1-14 ~ Graham Sinden 

11 November 2012 ~ The Great Commission: Disciples Making Disciples ~ Matthew 28:16-20; Acts1:1-8 ~ Graham Sinden 

4 November 2012 ~ The World of Work: Work for the World ~ Genesis 1: 27-31; Colossians 3: 22-25 ~ Graham Sinden 

14 October 2012 ~ Journeying with John: 1 John: Exploration in Fellowship - “We should love one another”  ~ 1 John 3: 11-24 and 4: 7-21  ~ Graham Sinden 

30 September 2012 ~ Thirsty? ~ John 4:3-15 ~ Andy North 

23 September 2012 ~ Journeying with John: 1 John: Exploration in Fellowship - “Living as God’s Children”  ~ 1 John 2: 7-11; 1 John 3: 1-10 ~ Graham Sinden 

16 September 2012 ~ Journeying with John: 1 John: Exploration in Fellowship - “Living in the light” ~ 1 John 1: 5 to 2: 6 ~ Graham Sinden 

9 September 2012 ~ Journeying with John: 1 John: Exploration in Fellowship - “Reassurance! Reassurance!” ~ 1 John 1: 1-4; 2: 12-14 ~ Graham Sinden 

2 September 2012 ~ Sacred Pathways: Loving God through Action. The Activist’s Path ~ Psalm 82 ~ Marlene Ewart 

26 August 2012 ~ Disability ~ Luke 14: 15-24 ~ Graham Sinden 

29 July 2012 ~ “The Game of Life: Good versus Evil”. Practice ~ 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27 ~ Stephen Milford 

22 July 2012 ~ “The Game of Life: Good versus Evil”. Participate  ~ Matthew 7: 13-14, 21-27 ~ Andrew Langley 

15 July 2012 ~ Sacred Pathways: Loving God through Adoration: The Contemplative Path ~ Psalm 63 ~ Graham Sinden 

8 July 2012 ~ "Light Fantastic" ~  Graham Sinden 

1 July 2012 ~ Believers’ Baptism service  ~ 1 Corinthians 1 ~ Graham Sinden 

24 June 2012 ~ Sacred Pathways: Loving God Outdoors - the Naturalist’s Path ~ Psalm 19 ~ Graham Sinden 

10 June 2012 ~ Sharing Faith the Jesus Way: Walk alongside ~ Mark 1: 16-20, Luke 24: 13-35 ~ Graham Sinden 

20 May 2012 ~ Sharing Faith the Jesus Way – A friend in need. ~ Luke 5: 17 – 26 ~ Graham Sinden 

6 May 2012 ~ Sharing Faith the Jesus Way – The Gift of God ~ John 4: 4 - 42 ~ Graham Sinden 

22 April 2012 ~ Essential Paul: Fully Human ~ Romans 12: 1-2 ~ Graham Sinden 

8 April 2012 ~ Easter Sunday service ~ Graham Sinden 

1 April 2012 ~ Palm Sunday - “Journey to the coming Kingdom”  ~ Luke 19: 28-48 ~ Ian Bunce 

25 March 2012 ~ Essential Paul - The Human Predicament ~ Romans 5: 12-21 ~ Graham Sinden 

18 March 2012 ~ Essential Paul 3 ~ Graham Sinden 

11 March 2012 ~ The Future Has Come ~ 2 Corinthians 5:17 ~ Paul Ewart 

4 March 2012 ~ Seeing the Light ~ Acts 9: 1-20 ~ Graham Sinden 

26 February 2012 ~ We are at war! ~ Revelation 12 ~ Graham Sinden 

12 February 2012 ~ 7 Deadly Sins: Anger ~ Matthew 5:25-26; Ephesians 4:26-27 ~ Graham Sinden 

5 February 2012 ~ 7 Deadly Sins: Lust ~  Malcolm Goodspeed 

29 January 2012 ~ Spreading The Good News ~ Graham Sinden 

15 January 2012 ~ 7 Deadly Sins: Gluttony ~  Graham Sinden 

2011 Sermons

11 December 2011 ~ Message to a young virgin ~ Luke 1:26-38 ~ Graham Sinden 

4 December 2011 ~ The Book of Revelation in 30 minutes! ~ The Book of Revelation ~ Andrew Persson 

4 December 2011 ~ Interview with Andrew and Janet Perssons ~ Andrew and Janet Perssons 

20 November 2011 ~ The role of the church in the community  ~ Matthew 5:1-16 ~ Andrew Thompson 

13 November 2011 ~ The Healthy Growing Church ~ Ephesians 4: 1-16 ~ Graham Sinden 

6 November 2011 ~ The Cross of Christ - Linking in with our Housegroup E100 Series ~ John 19 - 20:10 ~ Graham Sinden 

30 October 2011 ~ 7 Deadly Sins - Greed ~ Matthew 6: 19-34 ~ Graham Sinden 

16 October 2011 ~ The King Is Here ~ Luke 9: 7-22 ~ Graham Sinden 

11 September 2011 ~ Blessing of children & how to bring them up (sorry recording is incomplete)  ~ Ephesians 6: 1-4 & Matthew 18: 1-6 ~ Graham Sinden 

28 August 2011 ~ Family Service - Heroes of faith: Sarah (sorry recording is incomplete) ~ Heb 11:11-12; Gen 18:1-15; 21:1-7 ~ Graham Sinden 

14 August 2011 ~ Family Service - Heroes ~ Hebrews 11:7f; Genesis 6&9 ~ Andy North 

7 August 2011 ~ Heroes of faith #2: Enoch ~ Genesis 5:18-24, Hebrews 11:5-6  ~ Graham Sinden 

30 July 2011 ~ Joined with Christ in Baptism ~ Romans 6:1-11 ~ Graham Sinden 

23 July 2011 ~ Heroes of Faith #1: Cain & Abel  ~ Genesis 4 ~ Peter Allen  

17 July 2011 ~ Scenes by the Sea #3: Jesus Commissions ~ John 21:1-17 ~ Graham Sinden 

10 July 2011 ~ Scenes by the Sea #2: Keeping our eyes on Jesus ~ Matthew 14:22-36 ~ Graham Sinden 

3 July 2011 ~ Jesus calms the storm ~ Mark 4:35-41 ~ Stephen Milford 

26 June 2011 ~ Jesus Calls ~ Luke 5:1-11 ~ Gareth Garland 

19 June 2011 ~ Christian Counsel (1 Thessalonians #6) ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 ~ Colin Norris 

12 June 2011 ~ Christian Hope (1 Thessalonians #5) ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 ~ Paul Ewart 

5 June 2011 ~ Christian Living (1 Thessalonians #4) ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 ~ Marlene Ewart 

29 May 2011 ~ Caring Christians (1 Thessalonians #3) ~ 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13 ~ Andrew Persson 

8 May 2011 ~ Faithful Christians (1 Thessalonians #1) ~ 1 Thessalonians 1 ~ Andy North 

1 May 2011 ~ Patriarchs in Genesis ~ Genesis 12:1-8, Hebrews 11:1-12 ~ John Adams 

24 April 2011 ~ "Good News from Job" Series continued ~ Paul Ewart 

10 April 2011 ~ "Good News from the Prophets" #4 ~ Isaiah 11:1-10 ~ Malcolm Goodspeed 

3 April 2011 ~ "Good News from the Prophets" #3 ~ Malachi 3:1-5, Malachi 4:1-3 ~ Graham Sinden