Every 4-6 weeks, instead of Junior Church, we all join the main church in All-age worship and also share in an All-age communion service annually.

The Link (teenagers) also have regular opportunities to take part in communion services.

In February, the children & teenagers lead an All-age service based on what they have been learning. Themes have included: Jesus’ Miracles, Parables, Encounters with Jesus, Life of Jesus - his Baptism, Temptation in the desert & Calling his disciples. It is great to have this opportunity to encourage our young people to be actively involved in the fellowship.

Another highlight was growing & planting Sunflowers in the church garden - ensuring the children are also involved in one of the church’s vision strands “Safeguarding God’s Creation”. The children gave out gifts on Mother's Day and Father's Day and took turns to serve on the cake sales. Throughout the year, we give a bible (or devotional book) to children when they reach their 7th birthday.

We celebrated our anniversary in July with an All-age service followed by a church-family picnic in Cutteslowe Park and, at Christmas, we always celebrate together with a Praise Party. 

Junior church is an opportunity for children aged 3-11 years to worship and learn together on a Sunday morning, meeting each week at 10.30am.

We begin all together with songs, prayer, story & a short teaching activity. All parents & church family are welcome to join us during this time. This is followed by our teaching classes where we use age-appropriate resources from Urban Saints “Energize" to develop our children's understanding of the Bible and encourage them, through a variety of activities, to explore the foundations of the Christian faith. 

We have four Junior Church classes for the following age groups:

When children move to secondary school, they move into The Link.

To find out more about Junior Church  contact us.

We celebrate being part of the family of God 

As part of our worship each Sunday morning, the children take up an offering to support a girl from Peru through the charity Compassion UK.

Regular cake sales are held to raise money for her support too!

The children love their friends Millie & Sly, the puppets, who regularly feature  in Junior church and the Family Outreach cafes throughout the year. 

We teach the children about our responsibility towards the world God has made in “Safeguarding God’s Creation” which is one strand of the church’s vision for the next 5 years.

We grew sunflowers from seed and planted them in the church garden, together with a variety of flowers and herbs in the planters.

“God is Holy” 

Moses and the burning bush    

“I am the Good Shepherd” cupcakes 

"I am a child of God” mirrors

Christian Characteristics - reflecting God’s Goodness