Report to Church AGM - May 2023

Extract from the report to the AGM in May 2023

It has been a very encouraging and positive year at the Ignite Club:

1.We are blessed with a dedicated and well-established team of leaders.

2.The numbers attending are excellent. In the last year we have had contact with 72 children and their families. Over the 9 months we have seen a steady increase in weekly attendance from 25 to 35 children and one particular Friday in January we had 45 children (we are still trying to work out how much of a blessing that was!!). With the increase in numbers, we have a group of church members who are willing to step in and give much-valued help, when needed, to keep ratios at the required level. Let us give thanks to God for the numbers of children attending, and that all challenges of running such a large group are resolved in a positive way.

3.We have built good relationships with children and their parents. Children enjoy the range of activities we organise, they have fun with their friends, and relate well to the leaders. This is evident by the attendance record.  We build relationships with the parents at dropping-off and collection time and keep in contact with them through emails. We often get replies expressing appreciation for the work that we do with their children – they know that it is a safe space, they know that we care, and in these times of hardship thanks are expressed that it is a free activity. This strategy is now showing results as we have had numerous families joining us at the regular outreach café events where we as a church have the opportunity, through puppets and storytelling, to tell them the Good News of Christ. Pray that we may continue to have positive contact with both children and parents.

4.We have a good transition record of children moving onto Fission. It is an absolute joy to see young people attending Fission that we had contact with over many years. Fission leaders will face a massive challenge this September as around 18 children, who will be moving onto secondary school, will move to this group.  Please pray that we may successfully integrate these children into the older group.

What have been the special activities that we have added to the programme and particularly enjoyed by the children (and also the leaders!!)?

•Queen’s Jubilee Tea Party – jam sandwiches, cake, proper tea, the church’s best china, bunting and flags – a good old fashioned street party on the church frontage.

•NHS celebration – wound dressing, Operation board game, bed making with hospital corners!

•Art Attack – BIG drawing sheets, splash paint, hand painting, shoes and socks off …….

•Stone painting & Chip Shop walk – encouraging messages on stones left around the village, ending with chips and 40 children doing the Hokey Cokey in Tesco car park.

•families@ignite – a family evening with BBQ, the children presenting a review of the year for their parents and “Splat the leaders”.